Vision & Mission
AHSAG Vision
Well-organized professional Association dedicated to the highest level of performance and integrity in the field of health service administration and management.
AHSAG Mission
To promote education, high ethical standards and conduct and encourage professional development of its members, provide a foundation of mutual support within the association, and to advance excellence in hospital and health service management.
Our Objectives
The objectives of the Association are:
- To bring together persons concerned with or interested in Hospital and Health Service Administration as a unified body.
- To seek better conditions of service and promote continuing education and dignity of its members.
- To provide a medium through which new ideas in Hospital and Health Services Management can be discussed, developed and researched.
- To develop and promote professional standards of competent training and a code of ethics for Health Services Administrators.
- To establish and maintain good relations with similar Associations and Institutions within and outside the Country.
- To establish affiliations to augment and support the programmes of the Association.
- To represent and advocate the professional interest of Health Services Administrators in the development and implementation of public health policies that enhance their performance ability.