Ruling Body
The Constitution of AHSAG establishes a National Council (NC) and a National Executive Committee (NEC) as well as other Sub-Committees of NEC.
The National Council is the governing body of the Association and consists of the following:
a. A Chairperson who shall be a past NEC member of the Association elected at an Annual General Meeting for a term of two (2) years and eligible for re-election.
b. The National President of AHSAG
c. The National General Secretary of AHSAG who shall be the Secretary to the National Council.
d. All Chairpersons of the Regional Caucuses of the Association.
e. The Director, Health Administration and Support Services (HASS) Division of the Ghana Health Service.
National Executive Committee (NEC)
The National Executive Committee (NEC) is made up of Ten (10) members, headed by the national President. Members of the Executive Committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting and are required to hold office for two years after which they are eligible for re-election.
National Executive Committee (NEC)
President Financial Secretary
Vice-President Public Relations Officer
General Secretary Welfare Officer
Deputy General Secretary Two Executive Members
AHSAG’s Constitution further establishes Standing Committees that assist the National Executives in the realization of the aims and objectives of the Association.
Standing / Operational Committees
Finance Committee Welfare Committee
Marketing and Publicity Committee AHSAG Conference / Training Centre
Project Committee
Ethics and Disciplinary Committee Education and Programmes Committee
Sector Branches
The Association has two sectors: Northern Sector and Southern sector. These comprise the following:
Northern Sector Southern Sector
Upper East Region Eastern Region
Upper West Region Greater Accra Region
Northern Region Volta Region
Brong Ahafo Region Western Region
Ashanti Region Central Region